Call of Duty: Dying to Prestige

Call of Duty games are a bit of a Catch 22.  FPS games tend to lend themselves to gamers like me who have limited time to play games because they are like bite-sized chunks of game play.  If I have just 30 minutes to play I could jump into a campaign and play through a level or two and have a very enjoyable and complete experience.  Many other games (Skyrim, Kingdoms of Amalur, Mass Effect) require dedicated sessions of at least 2 hours to really feel like you are connecting with the game and accomplishing anything.  It’s difficult to become invested in the story and game when you have to remind yourself what the back story of the quests were when you last left off.  Call of Duty, however, lends itself to quick game play.  Point your gun at the other moving things on the screen and pull the trigger.  That’s all you need to know.

And then you go online.

Online Call of Duty is a different beast – deceptively so.  On first glance, it’s the same point and shoot, run and gun experience you have in the single player campaign.  But as you dig in, you quickly realize that surviving online play will take a lot more of your time than you anticipated.  Trying to compete with 12 year olds who do nothing but play online from when they get out of school till they go to bed (or in the summer pretty much non-stop), can quickly become a challenge in frustration.  Let’s face it, dying over and over within 10 seconds of spawning is simply no fun.  Additionally, as someone who likes playing many genres of game, as a generalist it becomes very difficult to compete at all with a specialist who only plays Black Ops or Modern Warfare 3.

Some people would recommend only playing with your friends to make for a more even and enjoyable experience.  I do agree this is the best scenario, but as a gamer whose primary focus is family and experiences that are less virtual, it can be difficult to schedule the time to get enough people together to make the experience fulfilling.

Instead, I choose to focus on how to make the general online gaming experience with the Call of Duty franchise not only survivable but enjoyable.

Fortunately, Infinity Ward is thinking of us limited time gamers of limited skill.  WIth Modern Warfare 3 they have introduced the Strike Package concept.  Strike Packages basically take the place of the traditional Killstreak rewards.  In previous games, as you racked up kills, you could receive bonuses in the form of air strikes, radar, predator missiles, etc.  The catch was, when you died, your kill count was reset.  This led to many games where you played against a particularly good player (or even team of players) who could rack up killstreak after killstreak and literally have a flood of missiles, bombs, etc. annihilating you over and over again, leaving no chance to even move from the spawn point.

My skill level is such that I could typically get no more than 1 or 2 kills in before I died and my count toward the killstreak was reset.  Since most killstreaks required a minimum of 3 kills, I very rarely ever got to experience the fun others had with the various killstreak options.

Modern Warfare 3 introduces three Strike Packages:


This works the same as the old killstreaks.  Your count is reset upon death and the options available are oriented around offensive capabilities (Predator Missiles, Attack Copters, etc.)


A nice new option, the kill count does not reset on death, meaning that you can build up toward the killstreak item throughout the entire round.  Additionally, when playing in objective based games (Domination, Demolition, etc.) actually doing the objective (capturing the Domination point, etc.) will earn you a point toward the killstreak.  So you can earn points by both killing enemy players and completing objectives.

The killstreaks available tend to be more defensive in nature, but also lend themselves nicely to the limited gamer play style.  Things like Ballistic Vests to give more armor to you and your teammates, as well as a Recon Drone helicopter that you can use to tag  enemy players so that they show up on the radar for you and your team.  The nice thing is, experience points can be attained through the use of these just like the Assault killstreaks lead to points from kills.  Any time a friendly player picks up your Ballistic Vest you receive experience points.  Whenever a friendly player kills an enemy who was tagged with your Recon Drone you receive experience points as well as credit for an Assist.

My assist count has gotten HUGE with the Recon Drone – one of my favorite items!


The Specialist option is interesting and one that I haven’t quite used yet.  Instead of a killstreak in the form of an external attack or defense item, it awards you additional perks.  As you may know, in each loadout (class build), you can select up to 3 perks to assign to the class.  Specialist allows you to be awarded additional perks to give you more advantage on the battlefield.  Similar to Assault, any death will reset the count toward receiving the killstreak reward

Playstyle and Loadouts:

The above new Strike Packages definitely gives a benefit to the limited player to still be able to get enjoyment out of the online experience.  But it still comes down to the player to play in a way that maximizes the enjoyment.  To that end, there are a few tips that I’ve found really work for me to be able to enjoy my online session:

  1. Create a class that works to your strengths.  The Classes, or Loadouts, are very important.  I’ve found that for me, I work the best with Assault Rifles and SMGs.  I have not perfected the ability to work with Shotguns, or Large Machine Guns.  And I’m lucky to get even 1 kill with a Sniper Rifle (I tend to not be patient enough to wait for the kills and move slowly around the field).  I also focus on perks that give benefits toward aiming (Marksman, Quick Draw) as well as hiding from the UAV and Advanced UAV (Blind Eye, Assassin).  Getting these maxed out into Pro are a MUST to really survive because otherwise you are a big target for those who can rack up the Predator Missiles and Sentry Guns
  2. Select a Game Type that works for you.  I have found that I am simply not that good at Team Deathmatch.  When the focus of the game is simply killing the other player my performance drops.  Objective based games, however, are ones that I can actually attain respectable scores in and are very enjoyable.  When the focus of both teams ends up being on a specific area, it makes it easier to get around the map because you know where the hotspots are going to be.  It also makes it easier to rack up the points as mentioned in the coverage on the Strike Packages above
  3. Review the player list.  I have noticed that looking at who is on the list in the game can be very telling.  If you see a lot of Prestiges or high-level players and you’re new, you know that your experience might be one of dying a lot.  Also, and I cannot stress this enough, if you see a lot of gamers on the list who share the same Clan Tag (the portion in brackets before their name) exit the board immediately and try again to get a different match.  The Clan Tag means they are part of the same group or party and are playing together.  They are most likely coordinating their movements and talking with each other and will also have most likely planned out attacks for each game board and play style.  Typically there are enough that they make up the entire opposing team.  Any team made up of randomly matched players who aren’t talking will stand no chance in this situation.  Better to avoid it at all costs
  4. Don’t use headset.  Do use Mute.  Let’s face it, most people you encounter online are annoying in the best case and abusive as a typical case.  For the most part, you won’t hear other players during the round unless you are wearing a headset.  The best thing to do, don’t bother with the headset unless you are playing with your friends and know the people who are also online.  Playing with the headset leads to 12 year olds throwing racial slurs at you or just making noise because they think it’s funny.  Or it coul lead to adult players calling you a Noob (despite your level 75) and telling you that you suck because a unified clan killed you 3 times in a row.  better to just avoid that. Keep in mind that you can also mute any player.  So if you do decide to use a headset, don’t be afraid to just mute anyone who is annoying you to silence the morons.  To mute, just press Back to bring up the score list, cursor down to the player who is annoying you and press A to activate mute
  5. Play Drop Zone.  Found under the Community Playlist, Drop Zone is a great game mode that has two teams trying to take control of an area that moves around the board every minute.  You take control similar to Domination – just have a player in the area with no enemy players and you take control.  The hook is, as you stay in the drop zone, you accumulate care packages that are randomly generated.  So as a player who is in the drop zone you can rack up the killstreak rewards.  Incidentally, there are no normal killstreak rewards, so the only way to get them is to take over the drop zone.  If you are on the team that doesn’t currently have the drop zone, it becomes a fun game of launching grenades and missiles into the drop zone to take out the players who have to remain there to hold onto it, or are distracted by trying to pick up the care packages that they have earned.   They also added in the ability to pick up care packages you have earned faster than care packages earned by others on your team or by the opposing force.  So it can be very interesting trying to pick up the care package when there are bullets and grenades raining down on you.  Even more so when the drop zone has moved and there are still care packages littered about.  A word of warning – wait until the care package has stopped moving because it will kill you if it touches you and is still bouncing around

I hope that this give you some good assistance on how to enjoy the Call of Duty experience.  In the end, it’s best to just approach it like any other game.  If you are enjoying yourself, then the results and numbers are meaningless.  Don’t focus on Kill to Death ratio or leaderboards.  Focus on just enjoying your time with the game.  After all, isn’t that why we are gaming in the first place?

Lamenting the PS3 Updates

I want to like the PS3 so much.  It has great power, great graphics.  I love the exclusives I have on it (Ratchet and Clank, Resistance, Uncharted, etc).  But sometimes it’s like Sony is just trying to see how much I love it.  Like the psycho girlfriend who flirts with other guys in the bar to see if you will get jealous.

My wife went out tonight for her monthly girls night out.  Great, I thought, I can get some quality game time in while she gets some quality time in with her girls.  But what to play… well I’d been doing a lot of XBox 360 in my man cave lately, and when my wife isn’t home, it’s a great opportunity to jump on the PS3, which is hooked up to the main TV.  I recently finished playing Infamous 2, so the only game I have left to play on PS3 that I hadn’t played yet is Uncharted 3 so I popped it in.

I sat on the couch while the PS3 started up, controller in hand with anticipation, took a sip of water to get ready and… Update required.  Hmm.  Ok, time to do an update.  How long could that take?

So I clicked OK to start and waited.  And waited.  And… oh look my wife is home!  No Uncharted 3 tonight!

Working from a 15MB/S download high-speed internet connect, the entire update process took about 15-20 minutes to complete.  Sadly, this is typical of all PS3 updates.  For some reason they all take forever to download and implement updates.  What’s even more frustrating is the comparison to XBox 360.  Earlier today I had a few minutes at lunch so wanted to get in a round or two of Modern Warfare 3 on the 360.  Started it up, and saw there was an update.  Clicked OK and I was updated and on matchmaking within 1 minute!

I acknowledge that a lot depends on the nature and size of the update, but this experience seems to be the same scale regardless of the size of update.  Large updates on XBox 360 are simply much faster and more seamless.  Updates on PS3 are slow and cumbersome.

Please Sony – I want to love my PS3.  Why do you make it so difficult?   There’s no need to make me jealous, just let me enjoy our time together and I’ll like you for who you are!

The Growing Pains of the Online Pass

I tend to stay out of polarized discussions.  This is because by its very nature the polarized discussion is one that cannot be resolved.  Most discussions are made up of people with various viewpoints and information who are edifying the others in the discussion so that the whole group is better informed and more knowledgable.  Polarized discussions, however, are made up of two sides only who are so entrenched in their belief that facts are irrelevant and no amount of reasonable discussion will change anyone’s mind.

That being said, I do feel the need to put in place some facts surrounding the “Online Pass” and the discussion surrounding used games.  As many of you know, many publishers have started adopting the Online Pass as a way of: “recouping losses from used games”.  Their stance is that they do not receive any portion of a sale of a used game like they do with a new game.  So they are “losing money” on that sale.  The Online Pass is their way of recouping these losses.  Basically, if you go into Gamestop and purchase a used game you have to pay a $10.00 fee in order to play it online, whereas if you purchase the game new, it comes with the code in the box to enable online play.

I would like to go ahead and call this for what it is – a bean counter at a company who saw a revenue stream that they weren’t tapping into.  That’s it.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Let’s take the arguments for the Online Pass one at a time:

Publishers don’t receive a cut of any used game sales

Response:  So what?  They received their payment when the game sold new.  Musicians don’t receive a cut of any of those old Vinyl records you purchase from a used record store.  Publishing houses don’t receive a cut of the used DVD you purchase from Blockbuster.  There is an accepted understanding of the economy that once you package and sell something you’ve created, the purchaser can do what they want with it.  Obviously there are protections against the purchaser being able to make money from re-distributing the property or trying to sell it as their own.  But there is nothing that would prevent the purchaser from re-selling that item a single time to a 3rd party without consulting with the original creator.  This is why we can resell our used items in garage sales, to thrift stores, etc.

This brings up another interesting point – inconsistency with this concept of Online Passes and other used goods.  In cases where I purchase other used goods, the originator of that good also does not get a piece of the sale, but there are no other cases where the originator is trying to change that.  If I buy a used car, I don’t have to pay a fee to Ford or GM in order to drive the car on the highway.  If I buy a used movie, it doesn’t lock any of the content unless I pay a fee to the movie company.  So why would I need to do so to the original game company?

Used games are taking money away from the publishing company and the developers (through a domino of the money trail) because that’s one less new game being sold and so less money going to the publisher

This is probably the biggest argument that is being put forward – a need to cover the cost of creating the game.  But on inspection it makes no sense and is an accounting trick to change the perceptions of the consumer.  The idea falls a little into the “penny saved is a penny earned” adage where they are trying to get us to believe that a lack of a new purchase is lost money.  How can money that the company has never had be “lost” money?  The only scenario I could see being a valid “lost sales” argument would be a case where somehow a bunch of the disks or access codes to a game  were lost in shipping and sold on the black market.  Pirated games are definitely lost sales and should be pursued legally.  But a used game is not the same thing.  In a used game situation, there was an original purchaser who paid for the new game.  This means that the publishing house has already recouped their money (if they priced the game correctly) from that original sale.  Once the game has been resold, the original purchaser is no longer a consumer of the product, but that’s not a lost sale because someone else is stepping into their shoes.  As far as the publisher is concerned the number of purchases hasn’t changed.

I equate this to what recently happened in Michigan with the tax break that was put in place for the movie industry.  The tax break spurred a great upswing in the number of movies being made in the state.  This led to new jobs in the movie industry as well as within all the supporting industries (food services, hotel, car rentals, etc.).  When Snyder came into office as the new governor one of the first things he did was remove the tax breaks for the movie industry.  He insisted that the tax incentives were costing the state money.  Yet in no way did he show how exactly that was.  On closer inspection you see that it was in how he looked at the balance sheets.  Let’s say that normally the movie industry generated $100 Million that the state taxed 10% to make a movie in the state and under the plan we lowered it to 3% (numbers are made up for this example).  Snyder’s reasoning was that the state was thus losing 7% of revenue or $7 Million.  This is flawed because the only reason we got the business in the first place is BECAUSE of the tax incentive.  And guess what?  As soon as he cut the tax break the movie business dried up and went elsewhere.

Think Snyder can figure out what 10% of $0 is?

The Online Pass is really to offset the cost of having to maintain servers for the online portion of the game (multiplayer) and any used game is cutting into those because the new user gets to play for free

This is probably the biggest wool-over-the-eyes that the publishers have pulled on the consumer and ties into the other responses I’ve put forward here.  Their argument is basically that they have to maintain servers for their user base to be able to access the multiplayer component of their game.  This is definitely true and I agree they need to make enough money to make it worthwhile.  However, their argument that used games are cutting into the money they receive to maintain the servers is complete fabrication.  The math simply doesn’t work!

Here’s an example:  Say we have a game that sells 1 million units new.  That means that the publishing house has to maintain server to handle 1 million online players (potentially – some people never play online, but let’s assume they plan for the best case scenario).  Let’s say that 50% of the original purchasers decide they don’t like the game and sell it to Gamestop and that resold game is then picked up by another gamer.  How many users do the publishing houses have to account for and maintain the servers for?  1 million.  How many did they receive money for to cover the costs?  1 million.

They already received the money for maintaining the servers from the original sale.  When a gamer sells a game back to Gamestop, they aren’t playing that game anymore.  So the publishing house is trading one gamer for one gamer.  The fact that the replaced gamer never paid the original fee is irrelevant.  In essence, the original purchaser of the game is paying for any future person who buys that particular copy of the game to play on the server.  So where is the extra need for money coming from?

Final Thoughts:

The bottom line of all this is that we are in a transitional state when it comes to games.  Games are big business – every year we hear about how they make more than the movie industry. Additionally, the way we enjoy games and the very nature of the games are changing.  Whereas we used to purchase a cartridge that contained the entirety of the experience and enjoyed that solely in our basement, we now have games that have expanded beyond the physical media.  With the number of games you can get through Steam and Origin as well as Microsoft considering the idea of their next system not even having a disk drive, it is ever more evident that we are on the verge of the truly digital age.  All games in the future could really exist solely out in the web space.  So what is the product that we are buying at that point?

Product and service are merging.  The Online Pass is one of the growing pains that comes with evolving to the next stage.  As a gamer and consumer I do understand this, but I also think there is responsibility on the part of the publishing house to take responsibility for what they are actually doing.  If all you’re trying to do is expand your revenue and make it easier for games to be made and make it so you don’t have to increase the cost of new games, great!  Tell me that and I’ll happily continue to purchase new games.  But as soon as a company starts telling me things that don’t make sense it takes away all credibility and makes them appear to be nothing more than a money-grubbing organization who doesn’t really care about me as a consumer but is more interested in trying to squeeze every last dime from me they can.

Skyrim and the Limited Time Gamer

Skyrim. The name evokes a sense of wonder and expanse. Like all Bethesda games, Skyrim is one that really focuses on creating an immersive world and allowing the player to simply wander and do whatever they’d like within the game. With that expanse, however, comes an overwhelming sense of indecision. Unlike most games that lead you from point A to point B (MMOs especially are great at this – leading you into new areas just as you get done with quests in the previous area), Skyrim instead leaves it up to you to decide what you’d like to do next. Want to pursue the main story line? Have at it. Want to join one of the local guilds (Companions, Mages, Dark Brotherhood)? Go for it. Want to just wander the country side looking for ingredients for your Alchemy experience? More power to you.

Being such an expansive game, it can be a little overwhelming for someone who has limited time available.  Whereas my game life prior to having a wife and a life involved weekend long game sessions, I now have time for only bite-sized game time.  A couple hours here, a couple there.  It can make it challenging to get your hands around a game like Skyrim.  Fortunately, I have an awesome wife who loves to let me enjoy the things that I enjoy, including gaming.  So most weekends she can enjoy her couch time and I go into my man-cave to take my level 20 Nord through more quests.

The key to bite-size gaming and Skyrim (or any game really) is to have a goal in mind when you start.  Prioritize your gaming.  Typically what I will do upon starting up the game is to look at my quests and make the following determination:

  1. How much time do I have to play?  If it’s a few hours I can try tackling a few of the larger quest lines.  If It’s just an hour or so I can focus on the many many side-quests that tend to take less time
  2. Are there multiple quests in the same area?  If so I can try tackling more than one at a time.  Considering how large and diverse the game board is, it can be nice to spend time immersing yourself in one particular area and trying to clear all the quests you can.  It can also help to make the overall world story seem more cohesive and less disjointed
  3. What are you in the mood for?  I must admit that there are many times when I start up a game that I really don’t feel like being productive.  I just want to wander and experience the world that was created for me.  Skyrim can be perfect for this.  I can wander for as much as I want, exploring any cave or castle that I come across without touching a single quest

The last item brings up a wonderful aspect of Skyrim – the intelligent questing system.  The folks at Bethesda were definitely keeping the player in mind when they designed the game.  They recognized that the urge to just explore this incredible world would be too great for many players.  So what do you do when a player explores a cave before a quest sends them there?  Why, you organically include that into the game.

If you have explored an area and attained an artifact that is needed for a quest you don’t have, many times the system will give you that quest as soon as you pick up the artifact.  In one cave I came across a jewel that led me to talk to an appraiser in Riften (one of the towns to the south ).  This appraiser also happened to be the first person to talk to in order to join the Thieves Guild.  Had I gone to Riften first, the system would have given me the quest to find the jewel.  But since I found the jewel first, the game sent me to Riften instead.  It adapted.

This style of gaming lends itself very nicely to the limited time gamer.  While Skyrim may seem daunting and overwhelming, as you look more closely at what Bethesda has done you realize that Skyrim is perfect for ANY gamer.  Players who have the time and ability to delve deeply into the story for hours and days on end will find a wealth of experiences.  Players who are limited to just a few hours a week will find an equal amount of enjoyment – just in smaller doses.

Either way, Skyrim is a game to be experienced.  I hope to have further blogs on my experiences with Skyrim including some specific quest lines that strike me as particularly interesting and enjoyable.

Until then, have fun killing dragons!!

Budget Gaming Tip: Library Game Renting

I thought I’d follow up my initial post with a tip on how to get access to the most games on a budget.  Like most avid gamers, I had gotten into a pattern of getting every exciting game the minute it came out.  Obviously, with all the good games that are available, that can really stretch the budget.  Additionally, it was easy to get caught up in the hype of a game release and buy into it before the review came out.  This led to a few games that did not live up to their expectations and a feeling that I had paid $60 for a game that wasn’t worth $20.

One option that I pursued was to join  For those of you who don’t know, Gamefly is the Netflix of gaming.  For a monthly fee you can rent any game you want from their catalog for as long as you want it.  They have a tiered pricing structure based on the number of games you want to rent out at any one time.  Overall the experience with Gamefly was a good one.  I got to play through lots of great games.  And, for a fraction of the price, I was able to try out games that weren’t worth buying.

In the end, as I met my wife and life got busy, it took longer and longer to get through the games that I was getting from Gamefly.  It got to the point where I’d have a game out for months upon months, meaning that I was almost paying more for that one game than if I’d simply purchased it.  In order to stay on a budget, I ended up cancelling my service.

That’s when my awesome wife turned me onto another idea – renting from the Library.  We live in Clinton Township, MI and so go to the Clinton-Macomb Public Library (  Like most people, this had never occurred to me.  I always considered the library a source for borrowing books and maybe CDs, but never movies and video games.  As I looked into it I discovered that my library had quite the impressive catalogue of games.  The list covers the full gamut of genres and styles for Nintendo Wii, PS3, and XBox 360.  They also have a program that allows you to suggest games to purchase as they come out.  As I’ve browsed the catalogue I’ve seen older games over the last few years as well as new releases.  Just recently I searched and found that I could rent Battlefield 3, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (which I have put a hold request in for), Modern Warfare 3, Assassin’s Creed II: Revelations, and more.

The process is fairly simple.  When you find a game you’d like you submit a hold request.  This puts you in a queue for being able to check out the game.  Obviously, the more popular games will tend to have longer wait times, and it can take a few weeks to get the game, but considering the cost (free!!) it definitely can be worth it.  Once your turn comes up, you have a set time when the library will hold the game in their reserve section.  At the Clinton-Macomb Public Library, that section is just past the information desk on the left as you come into the library.  The holds are organized alphabetically by last name.  Simply head on in and pick up your game.

I want to put in an aside here as well – the Clinton-Macomb Public Library has a FANTASTIC checkout method.  You take the items you want to check out up to the service counter, scan your library card on the scanner, place the items (all of them) on the scan pad, and the system automatically detects all the items that you’ve placed on the pad.  You touch finish on the screen and it then spits out a receipt showing when the items are due back.  It should be noted that for video games you have to go to people at the service counter to get the actual disk as they don’t keep them in the cases.  Simply show them your receipt and the case and they’ll go in the back and get the disk.

Typically, you have a week to enjoy the game.  For many games this is not nearly long enough.  You do get to extend the time once on video games, giving yourself 2 weeks to play the game.  If your time is limited, like mine, then you may have to rent the game several times to get through a play-through.  But for many games that don’t meet the “gotta buy it” qualification (and let’s face it – with limited time and budget you need to be a little choose-y) the fact that you can play these games for free is an awesome option.

I hope that this helps get more games at your finger tips and that you can make use of your local library to get to some of the games you might otherwise have to skip.  If your local library doesn’t carry games, you can get involved and help change their mind by showing that the desire for gaming exists in the community.

Enjoy and good gaming!!

Player 1 Press Start

Hello and welcome all gamers!!  This is the first blog in my adventure as a blogging gamer.  My wife suggested starting up this blog series as a way of connecting with other gamers and being able to get enjoyment out of being a gamer.

It has never been a better time to be a gamer.  With XBox 360, PS3, Vita, 3DS, and even Wii (ok, ok – had to add it in because there were a few good games on it), there are so many games it can be difficult to keep up.  This is especially true when you are a married gamer in your 30s.  With a wife who is very understanding I do get to game more than most at my age, but it gets harder and harder to find the time – especially when discussions of having kids comes into play.  Once the kid arrives, the gaming pad goes on the shelf!

As I indicated, my wife is VERY understanding about my hobby (sometimes obsession).  But she is also an EXTREMELY good stabilizer who helps balance my life.  She has helped me set a budget for my games so that I’m not going overboard.  It has also made it so, in the long run, I can play more games because she’s helping me to wait on those games that I don’t need to play just yet.  And as we all know, the longer you wait to play the game, the cheaper it is to pick up ($29.99 for Mass Effect 2?  $25.99 for Gears of War 3?).  While there are some games I will still get as soon as they come out (Skyrim anyone?), overall I am liking this new style of delayed gratification.  Besides, with my new wife and eventually new child (once we start), my time to play is much less.  So, as my smart wife pointed out: “what’s the point in buying a game that will just sit in a stack in your man-cave?  Why not wait until you’re ready to play it?  And, if it happens to be cheaper – even better!”

I knew I married her for a reason.

So, with that in mind, join me on my adventure.  I plan to explore all the games I’m playing as well as discussing my schedule and finding the time to game while still making my wife and family the most important part of my life.  My gaming tastes are wide-spread (RPG, Adventure, Platforming, MMO, FPS, etc.) so we’ll hopefully touch on a good deal of games.  As to what I’m playing right now:

  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  • Infamous 2 (just beat)
  • Dark Souls (beat but can’t seem to stop playing it)
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic

I look forward to sharing my experiences with you.  Definitely let me know if there are any games that you are interested in me exploring more in detail.  In my next blog I am going to start with my impressions of Skyrim.  I figure as a HUGE time sink that is as good a place to start as any with the theme of trying to find time to game and still have a life.

Until next time fellow gamers!